Powering up Aragorn and Arwen (Angmar Awakened Campaign)

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triton14 24

I used this deck to beat the Angmar Awakened campaign.

This deck uses all the revised core, Angmar cards, and cards from the starter decks.

I really liked Aragorn and Arwen Undómiel combo, and the idea was to be able to put a bunch of attachments on them that boost willpower, attack, defense and give lots of readying options. Erestor helps to get the key attachments early, and he's also Noldor traited which allows Arwen Undómiel to pass resources to both heroes.

Celebrían's Stone on Aragorn early gave him Spirit which helped to pay for more expensive cards like Northern Tracker's. or use Dwarven Tomb to pay for additional cards from the discard pile. And with Erestor, having a few ways of being able to get back Will of the West is pretty clutch.

Protector of Lórien on Arwen was key also, allowing her to boost willpower, but she was also a clutch defender able to defend attacks up to 5. Some of the boons during the campaign allow you to increase this further. With Erestor you'd typically only have 4 cards in hand at the start of the round. However once you get 1-2 Elven-lights in your discard pile, and Silver Harp on Arwen Undómiel you can get to 6+ cards at the end of your turn which really fuels Protector of Lórien.

The deck also has quite a few traps and condition removal for some of the tough encounter cards like Baleful Shade or Cold from Angmar.

I tried to make a solid Aragorn/Arwen deck that plays well together with the cards I had at the time, and this worked well for me. Not all the allies were thematic, but this covered the bases to get through the Angmar campaign without too much tweaking between quests. I also tried this deck with Beravor, and it worked well enough. You simply need an engine to draw lots of cards to play the attachments are Aragorn/Arwen.

Hope this helps someone get through Angmar!