The Hard Place *CotR Deckbox*

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
The Rock and the Hard Place *CotR Deckbox*
The Rock and the Hard Place, and the Things Betwixt(3p) CotR
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
MK3 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

AtaruSlash 4456

Designed to be played with The Rock; see fellowship link

So, this fellowship started with Merry and Brand son of Bain as the stars. As you hopefully read in the prior deck description, controlling engagement properly is a key part to getting that particular combo to work consistently, since Brand son of Bain only readies Merry if the enemy killed is engaged with the player controlling Merry. As mentioned, there's no better solution to that problem than the Red King himself, Aragorn. With the threat of both decks starting fairly low, and thus keeping the bulk of the enemies in the staging area, you can engage the weaker enemies, defend, and then start systematically pulling the remaining enemies from the staging area, screaming. Then, any combination of Brerry, Scorpagorn, and Sam Gamgee tear through the enemies like they are tissue paper.

The Rivendell Bow and Rohan Warhorses are for Aragorn, as readying and reach are the most important thing for him, as you'll see below, and the Dagger of Westernesses are for Merry, as keeping the constantly-readying threshold of Brerry as high as possible.

Very unexpectedly, though probably unsurprisingly, Sam Gamgee actually becomes a big part of the equation. Normally he'll quest, pretty well. Then, when it's clobberin' time, Sam Gamgee does his best Hulk impression. And it turns out it's pretty damn good. The size Sam grows to is generally only limited by the number of enemies in play. My personal best is 8, 6, 6 (thanks boarding keyword). He's straight up ridiculous.

So, a standard turn will go something like this:




-This deck engages an enemy, likely weak.

-Defenses happen

-[Merry](/card/141003) and [Brand son of Bain](/card/02072) chew through every enemy engaged with this deck with combined and hit points less than their combined attack. With Aragorn's debuff, this is a 6 from turn one. Any weapons only widen the gap.

-As needed, [Aragorn](/card/09001) joins in on the fun to start pulling other enemies over ([Sam Gamgee](/card/141002)ing intensifies)

-Aided by [Rohan Warhorse](/card/07008)s, [Aragorn](/card/09001) readies up as well, killing and pulling more enemies ([Sam Gamgee](/card/141002)ing intensifies)

-When [Aragorn](/card/09001) runs out of his own readying, [Brand son of Bain](/card/02072) or [Merry](/card/141003) can ready him, keeping going at least for two more attacks ([Sam Gamgee](/card/141002)ing reaches critical mass)

-The board is generally clear of enemies at this point, allowing the fellowship to go about their merry way. As mentioned with the other deck, keeping your threat at a reasonable level is PARAMOUNT to keeping this working beautifully. Not to say it doesn't work when you have to defend a few more enemies, but keeping the reward/risk ratio high requires low threat. To that end, [Sneak Attack](/card/01023) + [Gandalf](/card/01073), [Secret Vigil](/card/09012), and the reduction the partner deck is packing should be more than enough to keep you massaging that threshold. *Disclaimer: as a rule, I omit [Steward of Gondor](/card/01026) from decks that don't absolutely need it. If you have a known fellowship or are otherwise a min maxer, it's in the sideboard.*