My strongest single Core Set deck for solo play

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SOLO - Single Core - Slight Changes Mirkwood Cycle Addition 1 1 0 1.0
ESDLA LigaProg - S01E01D01 - The Core Friends (v1) 1 0 0 1.0
Liga Progresiva Mazo 1 0 0 0 1.0
My strongest Core Set deck for solo play - revised for 2022 268 205 8 1.0
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warlock000 3409

warlock000 has a newer deck inspired by this one: My strongest Core Set deck for solo play - revised for 2022

Recently I've decided to go back to basics and challenge myself to make the most out of the single core set. No expansions, no multiple cores. So, a few days ago I have published a really solid tri-sphere deck for new players, along with some basic tips & tricks ( Take a look if you want to see the foundation for what I'm going to show you here.

Well, this time I decided to create the most powerful deck that fits my own personal style of play. And I have to say that I was really surpised by how much I've enjoyed playing it and how many times it allowed me to overcome seemingly impossible challenges in Journey Along the Anduin.

After extensive testing I came to a single conclusion: Stand and Fight is just bonkers. I forgot how good and flexible this card can be, especially with a hero like Éowyn, with an in-built discarding ability. If you choose to put a Steward of Gondor on her and you'll be able to play every ally (obviously except for Gandalf) from your hand/discard pile, in any phase - I can't express how many times this saved my life ;). It is also a fantastic resource-smoothing card (I rarely looked at it this way to be honest). Glóin is lacking resources for Faramir? No problem, discard him and put him into play via Stand and Fight with your pile of blue resources. Remember this nasty location with 5 and single quest point in Journey Along the Anduin? Well, with Stand and Fight you can play Snowbourn Scout after the staging step, but before the questing resolution and explore it immediately, effectively boosting your by 5. It's those little tricks that made me appreciate going back to basics once again and forcing myself to make the most out of every card I have. Seriously, don't underestimate this card - it elevates the options you have with this deck to another level. With Steward of Gondor on Éowyn you'll be able to play Beorn in just two rounds and keep him on your table for much longer than in case of simply Sneak-Attacking him into play for a phase. This card will also allow you to bypass the limit of playing one ally per round in Escape from Dol Guldur (play and put into play are totally different things). Stand and Fight is pure gold.

One of the key things is to play Self Preservation on Glóin as soon as you can. It basically turns him into a second Steward of Gondor. I tend to use him exclusively as a defender against max 3-attack enemies (so that I can heal him completely before the next round), but if you plan to make him a main defender against some stronger foes then Protector of Lórien is your best friend (another staple from the core set). However, if I manage to draw Unexpected Courage I tend to play it together with Protector of Lórien on Beravor due to her extra point of defence - she will handle the swings of a Hill Troll even more efficiently. And with Unexpected Courage you'll be able to use her priceless card-drawing ability "for free".

Steward of Gondor can be played either on Beravor or Éowyn, depending on your draw. If you have a hand full of Forest Snares and Self Preservations, you'll know to whom to attach it. If you want to really abuse Stand and Fight, Éowyn is your target.

Don't underestimate Son of Arnor! Many people think that he's way too overpriced (and he probably is, at least before Dunedain decks became a thing), but he can be super useful. If you put him into play via Stand and Fight or Sneak Attack right after resolving enemy attacks, you'll be able to engage a tough enemy and it won't be able to attack you this round, but you'll be able to attack him immediately. Also, if you have enough resources you'll be able to engage an enemy during the planning phase and play Forest Snare immediately, without having to keep him engaged 'till the next planning phase. And last but not least, he allows you to engage enemies who normally cannot be optionally engaged.

Ever Vigilant is also fantastic! If you e.g. Sneak Attack Beorn, you'll be able to hit two enemies with his ability, before he bounces back into your hand.

I was debating putting Wandering Took instead of Guard of the Citadel in this deck because of his superior statline (for the same cost), but I decided that Éowyn's blue resources needed to be saved on other expensive cards.

Finally, For Gondor! is included to compensate for the lack of strong attackers. Sometimes you just need this extra boost to slay a mighty foe engaged with you. What's cool is that For Gondor! gives some fighting capabilities even to cards like Snowbourn Scout (swarm of weaker allies can turn into killing mashines for a phase).

I really encourage every experienced player to go back to just the core set from time to time and experiment with creating a working deck from this very limited pool of cards. Nowadays we have all the options and all the complexities in the world, but sometimes it's just cool to go back to simpler times ;).

/update, 29 December 2021: Looking back, If I were to change something in this deck I would strongly consider putting 1 copy of Dark Knowledge instead of e.g. 1x Miner of the Iron Hills (to keep the proportion of the spheres). Dark Knowledge can be really useful for deciding whether or not to take undefended attacks with Glóin.


May 10, 2020 RiddermarkLord 104

This is an excellent deck and write up!

I love going back to the basics. This helps new players and veterans alike - showing that even 9 years after release, the Core set still has many combos to appreciate.

May 10, 2020 Marcelf 1353

Did you come up with this deck after having tried the more classic setup with Théodred instead of Glóin ?

May 10, 2020 warlock000 3409

@RiddermarkLordthank you!

`@MarcelfI used to play with Theodred many years ago, but when I went back to the core set to make this deck I started completefly fresh and I figured that Glóin would be much more powerful and flexible in solo play.

May 10, 2020 Marcelf 1353

I found that Gloin could be very frustating too when he dies on a bad shadow ;)

May 10, 2020 warlock000 3409

Yes, you have to be very careful and either have Protector of Lórien or, better yet, Hasty Stroke ;). He is a "high risk - high reward" type of a hero.

May 10, 2020 mtngrown 52

I just sleeved this into some Dragon Shields as a permadeck to accompany Basic Trisphere and Thanee's Single Core. It's a very nice complement to those decks.

May 11, 2020 warlock000 3409

@mtngrownI hope it will serve you well!

May 12, 2020 Drew-Buri-Drew 69

I really like Glóin and the resources he generates, but it can be frustrating when you are unable to draw cards such as Self Preservation or Lore of Imladris to heal him. Have you ever found the need to include Daughter of the Nimrodel as well in this deck?

Overall, this deck looks very powerful and it's even more impressive that it was built only using the core set! Nice work!

May 13, 2020 warlock000 3409

@Drew-Buri-DrewGlóin shouldn't be treted as a main defender here, you probably want to defend with your allies most of the time in the Core Set anyway. Even if you don't draw any healing and even if he gets hit only once or twice in the entire game, that's 2 or 3 free resources - enough to help play Faramir faster. And then if you a have wounded Glóin and A Test of Will in your hand to protect him from nasty treacheries, you can use him for questing (or use him as another attacker in the combat phase - his stats are pretty flexible).

I didn't want to make this deck only all about keeping Glóin alive, but if you really want to make sure that you can get the healing you need, feel free to swap 1x Miner of the Iron Hills and 1x Gléowine for 2x Daughter of the Nimrodel - you keep the balance of the spheres intact this way.

Jul 29, 2020 clandsl 8

@warlock000I really like your choice of Glóin over Denethor. Can you advice me for some addings from the Mirkwood Cycle? Maybe allies like Éomund or Elfhelm instead Lore of Imladris (guess you have enough heals), Longbeard Orc Slayer or Dwarven Tomb? Many thanks and excuse my survival level english!

Aug 04, 2020 greg602 1

Just out of curiosity, if you had an additional core set. What would you cut/add?

Aug 04, 2020 greg602 1

Also, can you elaborate on including Celebrían's Stone w/o Aragorn as a hero? Is the +2 WP worth it?

Dec 13, 2020 bane 73

I'm not sure the OP is still active or not, so I'll answer your question @greg602: It certainly is! Consider this as a 2-for-2 card, it has a good ratio and it's rare to find permanent Willpower boosts like this.

Dec 13, 2020 greg602 1

Thanks for the response!

Dec 15, 2020 warlock000 3409

I haven't checked the comment section here for way too long, I'm terribly sorry guys! @greg602

  1. To be honest I wouldn't change much - you could swap one Protector of Lorien for a 3rd Steward, 2nd Unexpected Courage or 2nd Celebrian's Stone (if you wanted any of those attachments to be more consistent).
  2. You could remove The Galadhrim's Greeting and add 3rd Sneak Attack (and use Gandalf for threat reduction instead).
  3. You could also change the compositon of allies if you find their resource cost to be off (i.e. one sphere always lacks resources to play them) - but this depends on your playing style ;).

As for the second question - as mentioned above, Celebrian's Stone is totally worth it even without Aragorn! The access to spirit sphere is just a neat bonus when you use Aragorn, but +2 willpower is ALWAYS useful! Eowyn can quest for 7 willpower (with her ability) and that's just massive ).

Dec 20, 2020 mtngrown 52

I still haven't gotten around to playing this deck yet, but I took a single core Gloin deck out the other day and had a pretty time with it. The longer I play this game, the more value I find in going back to early quests and limited card pool. As example For Gondor! won me that game, gave me the exact amount of boost to deal the death blow. Take that, Ungoliant's Spawn!

Dec 29, 2021 warlock000 3409

If I were to change something in this deck I would strongly consider putting 1 copy of Dark Knowledge instead of e.g. 1x Miner of the Iron Hills (to keep the proportion of the spheres). Dark Knowledge can be really useful for deciding to take undefended attacks with Glóin.

Dec 29, 2021 mtngrown 52

Dark Knowledge is underrated IMO. It's common for me to have a hero who never or rarely quests and would be an excellent target for the card.

Dec 29, 2021 NanaD 1

Totally agree on that. Dark Knowledge is a great tool for defense, specially considering you could attach it to your main attacker or a defender who usually doesn't go on quests.