Bilbo and Gandalf visit Dale

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Dale Force Wins 149 115 40 1.0
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Card draw simulator
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The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

3ric 131


A Dale-themed deck designed to consistently build up a board of very powerful allies. It's similar in many ways to Seastan's Dale Force Wins deck, but uses Gandalf instead of Círdan the Shipwright to help with card draw.

And wow, what a card draw monster this deck is. Once you get the hang of it, you'll end up drawing your entire deck in most games. In one game I drew my final card on turn 6! However, drawing all of your cards isn't necessarily ideal, since it more-or-less turns off access to Gandalf's resource pool. When it gets down to 5 or so cards, I sometimes find myself deliberately skipping the response abilities on Brand son of Bain and Expert Treasure-hunter (can't say I've played any other deck where I turned down the opportunity to draw cards!). You could experiment with adding 1 Will of the West to recycle the events, but usually when I hit this "problem" the game is pretty much won anyway.

With all that card draw and the resource acceleration of King of Dale and Hidden Cache, you can get your board set up pretty quickly and consistently. The ideal setup for the Dale allies is the same as Dale Force Wins:

The early configuration will need to be fluid depending on what you draw first. That's why It's important to get a Long Lake Trader in play sooner rather than later so that you can rearrange the attachments as needed.

This deck also features Beorn to use in combination with Sneak Attack and Flame of Anor. With Narya, he can tank a big hit and then attack for 9 , or else attack twice to potentially take out two big enemies. You can get even more mileage out of him with with Spare Hood and Cloak.

This deck has no healing or threat reduction, so the goal is to just brute force your way through the scenario before either of those things becomes a big concern. By the time you reach mid to late game, it's not uncommon to have 2 each of fully set up Guardian of Esgaroth and North Realm Lookout, meaning you're questing for 20 with just Bilbo Baggins exhausted, with a ton of available and to deal with enemies, so the game is all but won at that point for most normal-mode scenarios.


If you draw Bilbo Baggins, then automatically mulligan. Otherwise, you're looking for King of Dale and Expert Treasure-hunter in your opening hand. Play the first copy of the latter on Brand son of Bain, and the second (if necessary) on Bilbo Baggins.

Always play Wizard Pipe turn 1. If you have it, also play Expert Treasure-hunter. Otherwise, use Gandalf's resource plus one of the other two to play a 2-cost ally.
