Arwen's palantir (V3)

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Vigilant Palantir (V3)
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

askelad 634

This deck is meant to be played in the "vigilant palantir" fellowship. The attachments in this fellowship have a specific distribution, so you should ignore the "attachment" section if you are not seeing the whole fellowship.

Arwen's Palantir

depending on how the first round is going, this deck will grab either Keep Watch, The Wizards's Voice or whatever piece of Light of Valinor/Narya/Palantir/Magic Ring we need.

This deck has an extremely low average cost per card (0.38 resource per card when taking Envoy of Pelargir and Captain's Wisdom into account), which allows Balin to spend his resource only on shadow cancellation (with the exception of Power of Command on the first round) and lets us play all of the cards we draw from Palantir and Galadriel's ability.

Arwen triggers

In order for the Vigilant Dúnadan to defend every attack on the table, we rely on triggering Arwen Undómiel's ability as many times as possible. For that purpose, we equip her with Palantir.


This deck is also designed to use Power of Command and Faramir's trigger to quest for as high an amount as possible from the first round. For that purpose, we play a swarm of cheap allies.

first round defense

By playing The One Ring on Boromir and triggering Arwen Undómiel's ability on him on the first round, as well as having The Ring of Power and The Wizards's Voice, this deck can defend a lot of attacks on the first round until Vigilant Dúnadan goes online


with Dúnedain Hunters and Boromir holding Durin's Axe/Legacy Blade/Orcrist with Strength and Courage, Dúnedain Cache and Strength and Courage and having natural readying, this deck will take down most ennemies.

the cards in the sideboard are potential inclusions that i currently think are not worth including in the deck