Accelerate the Dwarves of Morthond

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Accelerate the Dwarves of Morthond 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Accelerate: First Gear 0 0 0 1.0
Acceleration Shall Be Done! (Gorn) 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

ohuerc 449

ohuerc has a newer deck inspired by this one: Accelerate: First Gear

ohuerc has a newer deck inspired by this one: Acceleration Shall Be Done! (Gorn)

Old school! Usually accelerators use Galdor of the Havens and Erestor for maximum card draw - see plenty of examples in my decks - but we're doing each quest with only the cards available at the time they were published. Stuck at Dunland Trap, so here goes.

I think I'm unlikely to get both Lord of Morthond and Legacy of Durin in the first turn, for the We Are Not Idle - Lure of Moria "second gear" accelerator. I probably will find one though, and the other will come a bit later. Two Steward of Gondor for more chance of drawing into it. Dunland Trap lets me keep one ally, so there's my favorite ally. Denethor will do plenty of blocking, at least until he loses his items.

In the sideboard: one extra The Seeing-stone that I suspect I won't need, and one extra Lórien's Wealth that I suspect I won't be able to play. Other than that, a long list of cards I want other decks to play on this deck. None of them are needed in Turn 1 planning phase, so they can come about after I pass the torch.

REVISION 2: Fixed some things, like including Elf-Friend which is after Dunland Trap.