Oh Nenya Did'Ent

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Seastan's Boromir 520 410 79 1.0
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

jokers247 96

I mostly play 3-4 person games and this is my support Boromir/Galadriel deck.
It does not use Steward of Gondor, because my team mate uses it in his deck, so this is a non traditional Boromir deck.
The ally's rely on low drop spirits that can quest a bit and hopefully cover early game. I decided that since we arent using a resource attack/defend Boromir strategy that we need some hitters; This is why we use non core Gandalf and Ents. They bring the muscle.
This deck uses the standard Galadrial/Glorfindel attachments, for questing and card search, as well as Gondorian Shield to have Boromir be an effective blocker.
I think cancellation is incredibly important so our events focus on cancellation as well as dropping threat.
I dont own everything so im working with my card pool. Quickbeam would replace wandering ent if i had him. The side board is important as im still tweaking this deck around.

Once it gets rolling this deck can quest, block, and pack a punch. it also controls via its events.

For me this deck is fun and checks off a lot of boxes for my play style. I hope you enjoy.