Proud Silvan Hunters

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Single Core Series: Trouble in Tharbad 8 2 2 1.0
Single Core Series: Across the Ettenmoors 10 3 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

TheChad 12839

TheChad has a newer deck inspired by this one: Single Core Series: Trouble in Tharbad

TheChad has a newer deck inspired by this one: Single Core Series: Across the Ettenmoors

A version of a Silvan deck with Éowyn because....Eowyn is amazing in any deck.

Opening Hand

Look for O Lórien!, or a weapon and Foe-hammer. Henamarth Riversong and The Tree People is also a great opening combo. As always, Master of the Forge is great to see early in a game.


With a low starting threat and high from Celeborn and Eowyn, you should be able to avoid engaging enemies while you set your board up. Use the Song to help pay for allies, The Tree People can hopefully pop in a more expensive ally when you return a cheap one to hand.

Haldir gets 2 weapons and a Rivendell Bow (it is not restricted, but the +1 only can occur in multiplayer games, his ability is not a ranged attack) and quickly can one-shot most enemies. Use Hands Upon the Bow to snipe an enemy out of the staging area during the quest phase. Proud Hunters will give you plenty of resources for playing allies.

Card draw is handled by Foe-hammer, Galadhrim Minstrel, and Master of the Forge.

Heal your Silvans with a Silvan Tracker, Lembas almost always goes on Haldir so he can attack twice in a single round when needed.

All the weapons can go on silvan characters, so your allies can become very effective attackers.

The Tree People can sometimes find Greenwood Archer and you get to ready a hero. Typically, if I have The Tree People in hand I will quest with an ally, then use the event during the Travel phase to have a boosted ally from Celeborn during combat.



Oct 14, 2017 tryp09 10

Could this work with Hero Legolas for the full Silvan trait theme points?

Oct 14, 2017 TheChad 12839

yeah, that's how I use to run it. This deck is more solo friendly with the high starting . But, in multiplayer Legolas is great. Replace the ally with Hands upon the Bow.

Oct 14, 2017 toxiczammy 175

Awesome deck, I could see sneak attack as another great card for this deck.

Oct 18, 2017 pokie 85

Looks interesting. I would run more Legolas copies to increase chances of hitting him with The Tree People etc. He's a very powerful ally. I might make room for a song of battle fro Celeborn as well. Your tactics resource is quite stressed and leadership is underutilized.