The rangers of Ithilien ride north

Questlogs using this decklist
The Passage of the Marshes - 2 Players - 2021-04-25
Journey to the Cross-roads - 2 Players - 2021-05-14
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Ye Olde Ranger Trap Deck 95 66 14 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Yepesnopes 1247

I have been wanting to build a trap deck for a long time and finally I think I have manage to build one that is both fun and capable to perform both solo and in multiplayer.

The deck is presented in its solo format. The sideboard is to accommodate it in a multiplayer group. Depending of the composition of the group, in multiplayer you may not need two Wardens of Healing, or two DĂșnedain Warning, or so many cards for feinting, while you may prefer to support the group with another copy of Ranger Provisions or more ranged attacks with Ithilien Archer. The traps I have included are the ones I have found more useful for the deck. Again, the sideboard serves to tune the deck as some particular adventures may penalize players that trap enemies in the staging area or in their playing area.

Some considerations when playing the deck

Opening hand: You want to see either a Master of the Forge or /and a couple of traps, preferably Ranger Spikes or Forest Snare. Both sort of cards will allow you to start drawing extra cards.

Combos: Mirkwood Explorer and Ranger Provisions Faramir and Ranger Spikes AmarthiĂșl and Forest Snare Play Steed of the North to get extra actions with your heroes



Mar 06, 2018 MDuckworth83 3544

Looks Great. Dunedain and Traps are meant to be together. Let us know how this goes in solo, as I have struggled to make Dunedain function at a top tier level in solo play.