Boromir and Aragorn

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Seastan's Boromir 520 410 79 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
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In Play
Discard Pile

mekane 77

This is the deck that emerged when I tried to play the first quest of Voice of Isengard, "The Fords of Isen", using my Seastan inspired solo Boromir deck. I had a lot of card draw in that deck and a good number of "just in case" cards that would stick around in my hand. I ditched the Deep Knowledge, Gleowine, and Masters of the Forge and put in Protector of Lorien to thin my hand down. I swapped Aragorn for Beravor since the card draw wasn't helping and I knew my threat could skyrocket. I also included Warden of Healing and Gondorian Discipline for damage reduction and cheap cards to play out of my hand. I managed to spend most of that game with only one or two cards in my hand, so I avoided many nasty effects. Overall this deck is more combat-ready but it doesn't get Boromir up to super-speed quite as fast. It could use a little more questing help potentially. I am loving Aragorn's threat reset as it really takes the pressure off of getting those other threat reduction cards. Protector of Lorien ends up being nice to have to get rid of those extra Light of Valinors, etc.

I might sideboard the Gondorian Discipline and put in something more quest oriented. Dwarven Tomb could also go away, as I haven't been quite as reliant on the Test of Will or Galadhrim's Greetings. Unexpected Courage should also probably leave since it never adds very much. Maybe to be replaced with a Burning Brand for more combat-oriented quests or a spirit ally for questing.


Aug 20, 2019 Drew-Buri-Drew 69

I really like decks like this where the heroes do most of the work. Each hero has a unique role to play, and pairing Aragorn's threat reduction ability with Boromir is a great idea!