Talk about the birds and the bees...I mean "and the bears"

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Derived from
Bouncy Bear 128 98 18 1.0
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None yet.
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Discard Pile 96

Credit to @seastan for the Bouncy Bear deck (which in turn gives credit to @sappidus). This deck isn't completely tuned yet, but I wanted to post it so I could get some feedback. From what I can tell, there should be some good synergy between Bard son of Brand, Eagles of the Misty Mountains and other Eagles. The idea is that when Vassal of the Windlord and Winged Guardian leave play, they become facedown "attachments" to Eagles of the Misty Mountains. If Eagles of the Misty Mountains leave play, those facedown "attachments" should then cycle back to the hand because of Bard son of Brand. So along with Bouncy Bear, there are also Bouncy Birds. This was also trying to be a thematic deck of everything that would be found in Anduin Vales (eagles and bears) and Northern Rhovanion (Dale).

Sideboard Note: I put all the cards that I didn't use from Bouncy Bear in the sideboard. I still need to work on the tuning of the deck and sideboard.