Boromir Finally Gets The Ring On His Hands-Finger

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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Boromir Gets The Ring On His Han- Finger 2 0 2 2.0
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nelloianiro 1017

nelloianiro has a newer deck inspired by this one: Boromir Gets The Ring On His Han- Finger

So everybody knows what would of happened if Boromir took the ring from Frodo. Basically Frodo and Boromir would both turn into Gollums on the spot. But what if Boromir was powerful enough?


This is my first multi core set deck. Boromir gets The One Ring. Then decide if you want to get Inner Strength, Strength and Courage, or Well Preserved. Probably Strength and Courage. Then shuffle more copies of the other two master attachments back into the encounter deck. That's why there is 46 cards. Mulligan for Light of Valinor. It is pretty vital for Glorfindel. The endnote is that everything centers around Boromir.


Feb 08, 2021 Truck 1416

Boromir would probably kill Glorf and Aragon if they got too close to his Precious.

Feb 09, 2021 doomguard 2020

if playing solo put in some doomed events, with Loragorn, no harm, at least deep knowledge, you have nearly no carddraw

Feb 09, 2021 nelloianiro 1017

@doomguard that's a great point. I should have added doomed cards to the sideboard because this deck is good for 2 player and I am going to use it to play two-player with my friend; so that's why there are no doomed cards. Still, for one-player, thats a great suggestion!