Inglorious Noldor

Questlogs using this decklist
Ring Goes South- 1 Player - 2019-01-23
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

TheChad 12851

Funny thing about Gildor Inglorion; he is not really that good at being Noldor. What I mean is: he spends a resource to draw a card, but Noldor use discarding cards as pseudo-resources. So, essentially he is spending a resource to generate a resource. Is he any good in a Noldor deck, or is he a splash hero? I attempted to make a Noldor deck with him and was pleasantly surprised.

The Heroes

Arwen Undómiel is in this Noldor deck, of course, to do her Noldor thing and quest for 3 , Beregond is here to handle your defending and help keep your threat in check, and Gildor quests for 3, provides card-draw and give you access to .

Opening Hand The perfect opening hand would have a copy of To the Sea, to the Sea!, Elven-light, a high cost Noldor ally, and some resource acceleration. Elven light is your priority, To the Sea, to the Sea! is #2.


You will want to turtle the first couple rounds as you build your board up. At the beginning of the game you should be able to draw cards with Gildor and Elven Light, enabling you to discard cards to To the Sea, To the Sea! You should be playing at least one ally per turn. Make sure to play one of the Glorfindel cards in your discard pile.

Don't be afraid to discard 'usable' cards in the early game, Will of the West will shuffle them all back into your deck.

During playtesting I found that access to really made this deck fun. Among other things Gaining Strength, Captain's Wisdom, and Ranger Provisions allow you to build up resources to pay for all the Elven Lights in your discard pile. It was not uncommon to play 2-3 copies of Elven Light during the planning phase, filling your hand with cards for you to discard.
This deck is a bit light on allies but that is because once they are in play you rarely lose them. With Beregond as your primary defender, and Guardian of Rivendell assisting, you should be fine. If you reveal a treachery that damages allies, most have multiple hit-points and will survive.
When you need to kill a bigger enemy Sneak Attack in a Wizard, ready Glorfindel, or play Lords of the Eldar.
I have found that I go through my deck at least once and always seemed to have some fun and interesting choices to make.

The sideboard

Swap out all the resource generation cards for these cards. Steward of Gondor would go on Arwen.