Silvans with Thranduil and friends

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Silvans with Thranduil 0 0 0 1.0
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This is the single version of my double Silvan Thranduil deck. The style of the deck remains the same, but it provides more stability without the other deck.

The deck uses Bifur over Argalad. Argalad fits nice into the Silvan theme and has synergies with the other deck, but if you are on your own Bifur provides a higher value with an Unlikely Friendship and his ability always increases the resource stability. Additionally, the deck got copies of Galion and Henamarth Riversong, which are simply amazing and should be included if not required by the another deck.

Quest with Arwen Undómiel and Bifur. Block with Thranduil using The One Ring and Inner Strength. Let Legolas, Rúmil and his buddies kill your enemies. The deck has everything required for a solo deck and is an interesting Silvan alternative to Celeborn decks.