Cancellation Galore

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Card draw simulator
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In Play
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Fantasty 2201


This is a support deck built specifically for 4-player games that focuses on cancelling encounter cards. It does so in various ways:

The deck has a couple of tricks up its sleeve to make the above cards more consistent. By giving Doughty Ranger to Eleanor, she becomes an eligible target for both Wingfoot and Leather Boots. Both of them allow her to ready during the staging step, meaning she can potentially use her effect multiple times to cancel multiple nasty treacheries! Be sure to name "treachery" with Wingfoot. You have to get a bit lucky to trigger Leather Boots in between two treacheries, but in a 4-player game this is not at all unlikely.

The One Ring goes on Beregond. Inner Strength is perfect on him, given that his built-in threat reduction effect practically nullifies its cost. He is also the preferred target for your first Song of Wisdom as this allows you to play A Burning Brand on him for even more shadow cancellation. Combined with Unexpected Courage and Desperate Defense, he can reliably defend for the whole table.

The second Song of Wisdom can go on Eleanor if you didn't manage to draw into Doughty Ranger yet, since just having the icon already makes her a valid target for Leather Boots. On top of that, Song of Wisdom also helps smoothing out the resources, allowing us to more flexibly play our 2-cost cards.


Many of the allies are geared towards , with Erebor Toymaker, West Road Traveller and Ethir Swordsman all providing at least 2 by themselves. Erebor Toymaker also has the added benefit of granting cheap access to expensive attachments such as A Burning Brand and Unexpected Courage.

As for the rest of the line-up: Master of the Forge helps us draw into our combo pieces. Northern Tracker is a staple support card, especially in multiplayer. Note that he is also a valid target for Leather Boots, meaning you can quest with him and hopefully ready him to make use of his decent combat stats later in the combat phase. Finally, Anfalas Herdsman is there mainly as a cheap ally that also benefits from Ethir Swordsman's global boost.

Feel free to toy around with the ally ratios yourself. If you find you have an excess of resources you may choose to swap out a copy of Erebor Toymaker or Northern Tracker for some of the allies in the sideboard for a better sphere balance.

Closing remarks

That about covers the deck. It's highly effective at what it does, but it does rely on the other decks at the table to provide some early . It also definitely requires help with killing enemies if you ever do end up engaged with one, so be sure to have some ranged characters in the partner decks. Luckily, this deck has quite a low starting threat so you should be able to avoid most engagement checks. And Beregond can defend for other players, so you don't even need to feel guilty about it.


Oct 28, 2020 doomguard 2101

it lacks carddraw, but the herostup alone is potent. it is not very likely to equip beregond with the brand with this few carddraw.

but,its hard to get carddraw in a spiritheavy deck, with no discardability.

i would consider (if no other at the table do it) put in gleowine instead of westroad traveller.

would include (at least) one well preseved. i experienced, that 5 + shadowcancelling is not enough to defend more than 1 player for long in hard quests like fortress of nurn and carn dum or against dragons.

Oct 28, 2020 Fantasty 2201

@doomguard Gléowine is definitely a good card to include. In a 4-player game I hope at least 1 person will be able to play Gondorian Shield on Beregond to help out with defending. I also have Master of the Forge to get to my attachments out sooner. And if no other player is running healing, I'd recommend siding in Warden of Healing which should also help give Beregond some longevity.