Outlands invade the City of Corsairs - Solo vs Nightmare

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
City of Corsairs Solo Progression 4 1 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

GoblinKing 137

We come at last, to the final nightmare pack in this story arc. And honestly I was dreading this and wondering if it would even be possible to beat the very difficult encounter deck. And then I found an answer while looking through the other deck that have been created. It just needed a little bit of tweaking. First, with Grey Wanderer, you want to attach Lord of Morthond for free at the beginning of the game. This extra card draw will help your deck a great deal and it is very easy to do almost every turn. In your opening hand you want either Resourceful or Steward of Gondor. At Stage 1, against this encounter deck you will need to use your card counting skills! At first you will be putting out the followers you can and making the sailing tests as best you can while your ships do questing. But when you get a decent number of followers out, you don't want to turn up a Walls of Umbar and be forced to engage the Stormcaller. So you may switch to having the ships and Hirluin sailing with an ally or two and your Outlanders take up the questing thanks to Ethir Swordsman or 3. The Swords of Morthond can go on Lights of the White Tower, Veteran of Osgiliath or even Faramir. With this deck and practice, I was able to beat this nightmare quest 3 out of 5 games.