Silvan Elves Deck

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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Jreilly89 358

Experimenting with mainly the Elves of Lorien starter deck.

Included many of the same cards. I dropped the Minstrels and the Mirkwood Runner, as with all the readying effects and Haldir sniping the staging area, I think combat is covered. I may revisit the Mirkwood Runners.

I added some of the staple core cards like Forest Snare, Protector of Lorien, and Unexpected Courage. These will go on Celeborn as an emergency defender.

Events are more or less the same, minus the Host of Galadhrim. I'm not sure how good that card will be yet.


Apr 21, 2022 TheGameLocker 1264

Galadhrim Minstrel is honestly one of the best cards in a silvan deck because some of the best cards are events (The Tree People and Host of Galadhrim).

Apr 21, 2022 Jreilly89 358

@TheGameLocker good point. What should I give up for them?

Apr 22, 2022 Ravengm 1

Silvan Refugee seems like a pretty solid choice for taking out. There's enough characters leaving play in a Silvan deck that it's not going to stay in play long anyway.