Fast Outland - Wish Version

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Derived from
The rapid charge of outlands ! 232 173 17 2.0
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Etiowyn 13

This deck was inspired by the rapid charge of outlands by 13nrv, which I really liked but could not play as I don't have a full collection. So I made my version of a "fast outland" build, within my range of possibilities.

The idea is to quickly play outlanders and have Steward of Gondor on Hirluin asap. To boost resources and start fast, we can use Glóin 's ability coupled with Ioreth's healing, as well as Gaining Strength and We Are Not Idle. We are not idle also help the drawing, paired with Imladris Stargazer, Daeron's Runes, Galadriel's effect, Expert Treasure-hunter and Prepare for Battle. The threat stays pretty low with Gandalf, Galadriel and Elrond's Counsel.

Gandalf with Sneak Attack come in for big enemies early game and brings the necessary effect.

At the end of the day, very much enjoyable to play!