The Scourges of the Witch King

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
The Scourges of the Witch King 1 1 1 1.0
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Arrhias 139

Arrhias has a newer deck inspired by this one: The Scourges of the Witch King

"He will not return to this land. Far off yet is his doom, and not by the hand of man will he fall." Glorfindel

"But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Éomund's daughter." Eowyn

Merry it's here for managed thread. With the pony, i wait the encounter card to engaged him in the quest. If i have an enemy, i exhaust for thread (and draw, with pipe). If i am too just for the quest i engage him. Else, i use Merry for attack (with dagger).

Eowyn is the key of deck, with Strider, she have 6 Will at the start, and she doesn’t exhaust for the quest. So it’s like i have 3 heroes. With the golden shield, she defends for 7. Dagger can be use to cancel a shadow card.

ResourceFul is for Merry, because ally cost most. The objective is 2 for merry 1 for Eowyn.

Unexpected courage is for Eowyn, to use the capacity (10 attack) several time, (Forth Eorlingas! or Hour of Wrath can be use too)

The most important ally is :

  • Glorfindel, for thematic, and quests and attack.
  • Boromir for attack and defends
  • Treebeard for all.
  • Northern Tracker to cleaning location
  • Bilbo for quest and to search a pipe
  • Celduin Traveler for quest and cost.
  • Arwen Undómiel for quest and help for defending
  • Derndingle Warrior defend and injured ents for Booming Ent
  • Booming Ent for attack

I think Imarhil if merry is dead…

A good hand is :

  • Strider
  • Celduin Traveler
  • ResourceFul
  • Feint
  • Test of will
  • Golden Shield

Sorry for my english


Oct 03, 2016 Lecitadin 205

Great combos in there... Have you tried it against some tough quests?

Oct 03, 2016 Arrhias 139

Arf i don't speak very well english. Yes it's working on 3 first quests. Dol guldur it's so hard but with luck, Merry out, strider and Resourceful at the start hand, i have pass the first quest quickly... I'm continued to perfect this deck. It's very fun to play. (sorry sorry for my english)

Oct 03, 2016 Lecitadin 205

Thanks! And your english is fine!

Oct 03, 2016 Arrhias 139

Carrock ok... it's long but ok...

Oct 03, 2016 Bardo el Arquero 1

The Scourges of the Witch King

That's the name of the deck, if you were wondering as I was.

Merci Arrhias.

Oct 04, 2016 wehehe 1143

Hobbit pipes are useless here. You can only draw if you lower your threat with an event, and neither of your events does.

Oct 04, 2016 Arrhias 139

I haven't see must be an event card... snif...

Oct 04, 2016 Arrhias 139

I haven't see must be an event card... snif... Thank wehehe

Oct 04, 2016 Arrhias 139

I can't edit... i remake a deck sorry for duplicate

Oct 04, 2016 Yepesnopes 1247

Have you considered adding Herugrim for Eowyn?

Oct 04, 2016 Arrhias 139

Hum why not, i haven't add because it's cost 3 and with 2 heroes it's just. and I must have unexpected courage for use cost 2, for 5 i have Glorfindel...

Tonight i will try : Forth Eorlingas! -2 Herugrim +2

Hobbit Pipe -2 Mathom +2