Eowyn's Eagles

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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

perseflamme 70

Je voulais un deck Aigle, ben voilà !

Pléthore de pépettes ! (en même temps avec intendant + Mablung, c'est facile^^) Les Foe-Hammer couplés avec The eagles are comming et vaillant sacrifice c'est beaucoup de pioche pour utiliser les pépettes !

Et cerise sur le gateau : Avec 24 de menace, c'est un super deck pour jouer des Gandalf 2 qu'on ne voit pas souvent, même au tour 1^^

J'ai juste 3 slots qui ne sont pas très utiles (sneak attack) et que j'aimerais remplacer mais je ne sais pas par quoi... Une idée ?

I wanted an Eagle deck, and there it is. A lot of money A lot of cards with Foe Hammer + Eagles are comming + vaillant sacrifice to use the money And with a of 24, a lovely Gandalf 2 wich can be played easily, even in first turn !

Just 3 slots that are a little useless with Sneak Attack but i have no idea to replace them. Any idea ?


Jan 18, 2017 Seastan 43214

I like using Sneak Attack with Gwaihir to pull the Descendant of Thorondor from the discard. You get 4 damage in the staging area, 2 strong attackers, and at the end of the phase you power up the Eagles of the Misty Mountains by 2. Quite a good deal!

Jan 20, 2017 The Purple Wizard 1169

Do you try to keep Gandalf in play the rest of the game once he's in? If so, Shadowfax, Narya, or Gandalf's Staff could all replace the Sneak Attacks. Narya in particular could be useful with all those powerful allies in play.

Jan 28, 2017 perseflamme 70

@SeastanYes, that was the deal ! But it takes too long to see Descendant of Thorondor in discard pile. I can't discard from hand... It would be great if i could !

@The Purple Wizard Great idea. i should try it !

Finaly, i really need to discard from hand to use Gwaihir at the best ! Trying to find something to do it !

Jan 28, 2017 Seastan 43214


Feb 08, 2017 Benedikt 248

Trollshaw Scout or Watcher of the Bruinen to discard Cards optionally.