Noldor Support

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The last host of the Eldar
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ff0x 534

In case two decks with a Noldor focus were not enough. Here is another one. As for the others it is meant to be played in conjunction with the other two to get the biggest effect of the different cards included.

Ever present Lords of the Eldar will provide constant and significant stat increases for all the Noldor and Elf-friends you can muster.

This decks focus is on supporting the other decks. Specific cards include Song of Wisdom for Elrohir so Burning Brand can be attached to him, so he can become the quite important main defender. In addition, we have Treachery and Shadow cancelation in form of the all-times favorites A Test of Will and Hasty Stroke, respectively. The Miner of the Iron Hills takes care of condition attachments and the Westfold Horse-breeder gives you quick access to Asfaloth and Shadowfax.

Elf-friend is there to help out Gandalf not to feel to inferior to the Noldor once they get the constant bonus of two Lords of the Eldar running. If you find the second relatively quickly, you can always attach it to Eleanor to have all your heroes benefit.

Song of EƤrendil is there to balance out the threat between the three decks, since there is only limited threat reduction in all of them. Which can be an issue depending on the scenario you are playing.

I hope you all enjoy the deck. Even if there is nothing really fancy going on in this one.