Aldburg Plot 2p Fellowship

Inkling 70


Fun 2p fellowship to reliably take on the Aldburg Plot.

Thurindir was a no brainer with all of the side quests. Same goes for Haldir with Legacy blade. Mid-game Haldir is swinging for 9 attack using his ability to attack deck 1 engaged enemies or staging area.

Grimbeorn is quickly defending for 6-8 and swinging for 7-9 (with ability). Steward goes on him for this since multiple readies (destrier, warhorse, miruvor and unexpected courage) requires many resources. Grimbeorn basically takes out all the enemies.

The quest specifically is not too difficult. From the get go Grimbeorn can take on the enemies that have defense and HP adding up to 5 total.

It's a really clever quest with multiple options for replay.

Tech for quest

  • Rohirric coins goes on deck 2 and you can just plan to always exhaust a weaker ally (horse breeder or mablung). Place on Glorfindel since he doesn't even ready every round with light of valinor and no attack or defense that round.
  • Save Thurindir for prison key since he is only hero that has no attachement.
  • hold back asfaloth on final round to take out a well lit hall and avoid only having 3 progress on quest
  • miruvor goes on grimbeorn in case false lead comes out
  • sudden ambush can just take threat on deck 2 OR it whiffs on deck one since grimbeorn is the ready character with the highest willpower

What I really like about the Children of Eorl series is that the quests are really well designed and NOT so hard that you have to tech specific decks to actually beat. I look forward to trying more themed decks against this one next.