11 cards

Name Sphere Type Traits Set
Saruman Istari. Isengard. Challenge of the Wainriders 54
Power of Command Master. Challenge of the Wainriders 55
Horns! Horns! Horns! Challenge of the Wainriders 56
Soldier of Isengard Isengard. Challenge of the Wainriders 57
Far-sighted Challenge of the Wainriders 58
Nori Dwarf. Challenge of the Wainriders 59
Golden Belt Item. Challenge of the Wainriders 60
Rohirrim Scout Rohan. Scout. Challenge of the Wainriders 61
The Muster of Rohan Challenge of the Wainriders 62
Saruman's Staff Artifact. Item. Staff. Challenge of the Wainriders 63
The Grey Wanderer Challenge of the Wainriders 74

11 cards