Beravor takes a stroll with the Elves.

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Mirkwood Long-knives 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

TheChad 12827

I've been wanting to build a deck based around Legolas and Beravor. I am pretty happy with how this turned out. I realized that trying to make is a super strong attacking deck slowed everything down, so if you are playing a 2 player game the other deck should bring some killing power. In solo play, assuming you don't get swarmed by boss-like enemies, this deck can handle itself.

Here is how the deck works:

You want to draw a lot of cards as quickly as possible, Elven-light, Peace, and Thought, and Beravor will do this for you. In your opening hand you want a Peace and Thought and/or Elven-light. To trigger Arwen Undómiel's ability and Legolas's you can discard the light, Glorfindel, The Evening Star, and Elwing's Flight. Play a low cost questing ally and/or Light of Valinor on Legolas (save a spirit resource if you have A Test of Will. If you have Peace and Thought, save your resource.

Now the fun begins, Quest with everyone, discard a card to ready Beravor. If you have to engage an enemy she can defend, if you don't engage an enemy she can draw you 2 cards.
In the refresh phase play Peace and Thought by exhausting Arwen and Beravor. With all the cards you have you should be able to snag an Unexpected Courage to ready Beravor. if not, play low cost questing allies can get you thru the quest phase. Legolas commits to the quest and you can ready Beravor that way.
After that turn you will have tons of cards and questing allies, Imladris Stargazer and Zigil Miner get you resources and mill your deck. Save your one copy of Will of the West if needed.

A Burning Brand goes on Beravor along with Protector of Lórien to turn her into a great defender. Legolas and Glorfindel can attack for quite a lot with the help of some Mirkwood Long-knifes.

This deck will struggle if you have to engage enemies too soon, hopefully in solo play you don't get swarmed and with the threat reduction from Elrond's Counsel and Galadriel's Handmaiden you can avoid enemies until you are ready.

In multiplayer this deck is fantastic. You can really add a lot of quest power early and let a more combat focused deck kill early enemies. Once you are set up you can help the other player draw some cards. Enjoy!


May 13, 2017 DazeMan 710

Cool deck! I enjoy seeing Legolas in decks without Gimli and vice versa. Nice work!

May 29, 2017 bodasafa 12

Having seen it in action I have to say "Well done" Chad. Looking forward to running it on some solo quests.