Top Shelf Ranger Deck

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Tiberius 15

This is super similar to Matt Duckworth’s version. just a couple changes. I bring in Ghan buri Ghan, who I am almost always happy to see. I include Anborn as an ally for themes sake, but also because late game I can always have the trap I want. Proud hunter makes him pretty easy to get as well. I use warden of healing instead of Ioreth partially because I still don’t have that pack, and I usually play in a group with a Elrond in play. Lastly I through in quick strike so I rarely have to defend. In an emergency Eowyn can take something out before it can do it’s nasty work.

This is far away my favorite deck to play in this game. Lots of fun choices and silly scenarios (I once engaged the watcher in the water with Mablung, followed it, then forest snared it. I tamed it!) Plus it’s got lots of theme, and Faramir has always been my favorite character of LOTR.

Plus playing through the saga we gave Faramir +1 attack and intimidation. Late game he is taking out big baddies left and right.

This is the deck I always hoped to have when I started the game. I love it!


Jan 19, 2019 MDuckworth83 3568

Ghan-buri-Ghan is a solid move. I think I used him in the sideboard on a few scenarios taking that deck through the Harad cycle.

Mablung is arguably a good choice too, and I ALWAYS include him in mono-lore trap decks. My argument is that it's a little easier to see use the discount hammersmith to grab traps from discard at the right moment (which can then absorb damage/chump block) than it is to pay for a 4 drop repeatable recurring traps.

But that doesn't make me right, Anborn may still very well be the better choice because typically in the end game where you are really needing to recycle traps, resources are less of a concern. I can see the argument from either direction.

Nice re-working of the deck.... how's it working out in campaign? I didn't really consider it because a few scenarios have attachment immunity, but you would just have to strategically use your "swap out" opportunities.