I Will Survive

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Who is Caldara's Sword-thain? 6 4 1 1.0
The Prancing Caldara 12 7 3 1.0
Dueling Caldaras, the one with Caldara 0 0 0 1.0
Dueling Caldaras, the one without Caldara 1 0 0 1.0
I Will Survive 1 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

TalesftCards 7007

At first I was afraid, I was petrified Kept thinkin' I could never win with Caldara by my side Then I spent so many nights thinking how I did it wrong And I grew strong, should've used her all along

When I first saw Caldara at Gen Con, my jaw dropped and my head was reeling. "Discard a hero? Who got into the good stuff at FFG?". Eventually, playing with Caldara showed me how strong she was and the importance of playing a card in order to really judge it. Now, with the recent release of Sword-thain, Elven-light, and ally Glorfindel, Caldara decks are very strong. There's nothing too ground-breaking about this particular build, but it's a good example of a modern Caldara deck.

Arwen provides a resource generation, card draw, and discard engine (and Eowyn helps to discard cards as well). The trusty Ziggy/Stargazer engine provides extra resources and discard, as does Sword-thain (put it on any of the uniques really). Bilbo and his Hobbit Pipe provide extra draw. Map of Earnil and Dwarven Tomb provide plenty of recursion to reuse pretty much any of the important Spirit events (pro tip: use the Map to bring back Dwarven Tomb to bring back A Test of Will or Hasty Stroke).

Discard allies, bring them back with Caldara, bring her back with Fortune or Fate. Repeat until you are dancing on your enemy's bones.


May 19, 2016 TheChad 12876

I have wanted to build a Caldara deck with the current card pool but have not found the time....thank you!

May 20, 2016 Aladdynsane 1

Hah! Great intro and good looking deck. Will be trying this over the weekend.

Jun 17, 2016 bzgaming 66

Just gave this deck a try. It was a lot of fun, except that I kept discarding all the useful events and attachments to Zigil Miner instead of the high cost allies. It still all worked out in the end and walloped Foundations of Stone. When I hit my stage 4, I ended up with a Nameless Thing with 2 cards attached to it with a total of 7 printed cost and he was still in the staging area... if he would engage me, he'd get 2 more cards attached (the first 2 cards came from 2 copies of Deep Deep Dark. I was sitting at 26 threat, so I'd engage him next turn. Luckily I got Damrod into play next turn to buy me a couple more turns and then just before I had to engage it, exploring Drowned Treasury earned me an Elrond's Counsel.

After that, the only thing holding me back was 5B's restriction:

Each player cannot commit more allies to the quest than the number of heroes he is also committing to the quest.

This was worsened by the fact that Lost and Alone put Caldara into my deck, so I had fewer heroes to quest with, despite the half dozen or more allies.

I just wish the events would have landed better so I could have used Caldara's ability more than 2 times. Still fun though. Great deck!