Haldir Shot First

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Haldir Shot First 4 3 2 1.0
Inspiration for
Haldir Tournamented First 2 1 0 1.0
Forth, the Sniper! 2 0 3 1.0
Haldir's Harad Ambush 1 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

The Purple Wizard 1157

The Purple Wizard has a newer deck inspired by this one: Haldir Tournamented First

The Purple Wizard has a newer deck inspired by this one: Forth, the Sniper!

The Purple Wizard has a newer deck inspired by this one: Haldir's Harad Ambush

This is the deck I played alongside TheChap's "Discard And That Card" to win the competitive tournament at Con of the Rings 2019, and have been using as a base for our Nightmare Campaign.

Haldir of Lórien is a BEAST in multiplayer; what you see here is my attempt to deck him out as fully as possible. Haldir spends the game raining death upon any enemies foolish enough to come out of the encounter deck and your teammates get to see firsthand how helpful it is to have a sniper on your side in battle. The core ideas here are to keep your threat low, draw lots of cheap cards, beef up Haldir, and keep from engaging enemies so Haldir can do his thing.

~Finding two weapons as quickly as possible is your main goal. It's a definite mulligan if you don't see one in your first hand.

~Know what your emergency defensive solution is, whether it be a ready ally (preferably Envoy of Pelargir) to chump block, Gaffer Gamgee, Feint, Quick Strike (works GREAT with either Eowyn or Haldir), or Hands Upon the Bow to kill an enemy that attacks you from the staging area before it can attack you. If you do get stuck engaged with something that Haldir can't kill off, don't hesitate to trigger Éowyn. You're not equipped to be handling enemies in front of you every round.

~Galadriel keeps your threat low so you can consistently keep from engaging, and between her and Gléowine you'll be drawing three cards a turn before long, more if you have Glamdring. Unless I'm still missing Nenya, I throw the first Unexpected Courage on Galadriel. Both her card draw and threat reduction are essential to this deck so do your best to use that on yourself each round.

~Use your Black Arrow and Unseen Strikes liberally in the early game, while you're still getting Haldir set up with his bows. You won't miss them later. A dead enemy is a good enemy!

~Revealed in Wrath is a fantastic solution for enemies with tricks up their sleeves. You'll find a use for it in just about every quest you play.

~Windfola is good willpower boost for the cost and allows you to add Galadriel's willpower with Nenya to Eowyn without fear she'll be removed from the quest.

~The sideboard is vast and could easily be bigger. This deck is EASILY adaptable to whatever the encounter deck throws at you. You can get reliable defense through Golden Shield or Derndingle Warrior, take down a BIG boss by yourself with Keeping Count, or be the safety valve for other decks with Hasty Stroke and Honour Guard. Whatever you need, these heroes can probably figure out a way to do it.


Oct 10, 2019 Tegyrius 126

Don't play a lot of multiplayer, but this looks fun. Open the armory if weapon is top priority?

Oct 10, 2019 The Purple Wizard 1157

@TegyriusThat's a solid option and I hadn't thought of it. It belongs in the very least on the sideboard but I think I would only use it situationally when I was facing a quest where every enemy needed at least six attack to kill. The goal is to get Haldir able to snipe asap and in most quests there will be somebody in the 4-5 range that you'll see often.

With six weapons in the deck you should find one right away in most games, especially if you mulligan for it, and there's tons of card draw so it shouldn't take too long to find another. Open The Armory might find that second one faster but after that it's basically a dead card as I don't really need the weapons anymore.

I probably phrased the sectioned on mulliganing poorly above. Getting A weapon is top priority and worthy of a mulligan. You'll probably want to buy a second as soon as you see it but it's not always essential and sometimes an event might be better worth your resource. The second is important but should be given situational considerations.

Try it yourself sometime and see what you think! Perhaps I'm wrong. :)