Over the Misty Mountains Grim - Progression - Brad's Deck

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Over the Misty Mountains Grim - Progression
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

nttArc 238

Card changes from the previous scenario, in Katherine's deck we swapped out a few cards such as Radagast's Cunning and Secret Paths, which didn't seem required, for more Forest Snare (so that we could snare the Great Goblin and make the required progress before killing him which makes the encounter deck stronger) and a few Gondorian Spearmen to help kill orcs softened by Thalin (to be paid for using Narvi's Belt). In my deck we took out a lot of duplicate copies of attachments and others that we didn't think we needed for a spirit package of Song of Travel, A Test of Will and Hasty Stroke.

We also included all three of our discovered treasures and selected Glamdring for more card draw in my deck and Sting to make Bilbo a good defender from Katherine's deck as our starting treasures. Orchrist unfortunately was never drawn but we put that in Katherine's deck as it still had more card draw potential and more likely to have been drawn.

Our playthrough went fairly easily. We were unfortunate to have two Stone Giants in the staging area for a while (we never engaged them) but kept them there and quested harder. And when we got to the second encounter deck we already had Forest Snare and 3 lore resources for the Great Goblin and therefore we only had to stomach 1 attack from him and then he was snared and did not get killed until we had 20 progress and therefore did not buff up the rest of the encounter deck.

Important mulligans: The treasures get picked out of the deck during scenario setup which happens after mulligans, so in Katherine's deck if you mulligan and get one treasure that's great because you'll search and get the start with the second as well (this did not happen for us). Also, in Katherine's deck, mulligan for Narvi's belt to help smooth resources (and the pay for tactics period). Brad's deck mulligan for the song and possibly cancellation as well.

For us, one of our mulligans panned out, I got the song in my opening hand with A Test of Will and a few rounds in drew 2 hasty strokes. Katherine unfortunately never drew Narvi's belt but still was able to afford ample dwarves nonetheless and had a very large board of allies. We were able to put Sting on Bilbo from the start and also managed to slap a Ring Mail on him too and he became a super defender. We were also able to save 5 Baggins' resources to make the When Revealed of the 3rd Quest Phase less potent.

It was fun thematically (although in the Hobbit they never actually fought Stone Giants, just heard them battling and therefore could not take the high pass) but we were in such control the whole way through that it did not seem like too large a challenge even when we didn't draw some of the important cards we were looking for.