For your allies only

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The Temple of Doom - 1 Player - 2021-12-13
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Card draw simulator
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TheMisFitMan 347

Ever dreamed of pumping out up to four allies round one? And then in every other turn? Voilà, here‘s a swarm deck that is usable for playing solo or multiplayer.

Look out for a Zigil Miner and an Elven Jeweler in your starting hand (the more, the better).

You start the first planning phase with ten cards in your hand and decisions must be made, which card is needed most and which ones will get discarded in the end. But you will see them all again later, so it’s even not a problem to get Vilya dumped. If you have a Zigil Miner, play it with ressources from Elrond and Arwen, immediately exhaust it and always name „two“ for his action. Put that money on Elrond and discard one card from hand for Arwen‘s action and give that ressource to her or Elrond (depends on the cards to be played every round). Now you can play a or and a character (or maybe an attachment), or a and a character or two characters. Quickbeam would be the best choice for being versatile as a quester or attacker. If there are any Elven Jewelers in your hand, you can put them into play for free by discarding two cards each. Any copies of Elrond's Counsel and sidequests are also welcome for being allowed to play them for free.

From turn two on try to play/discard all cards from hand (Eregion Survivor will be pleased). Search your deck for Dwarf Pipe by playing Bilbo Baggins and attach it to Zigil Miner or Erebor Hammersmith (who can bring back the topmost attachment you were forced to discard if you play him from your hand). When using the Miner, exhaust the pipe to put a just discarded card back to the bottom of your deck (preferably a event - you really don‘t want all copies of Will of the West or Dwarven Tomb in your discard pile!!!).

Attach Light of Valinor and Vilya to Elrond and be surprised who joins the party after questing. But he‘s also good for defending purposes, if you don‘t want to chump-block.

Other specializations of this deck are the following:

Location control with Thrór's Key, Ghân-buri-Ghân and Eryn Galen Settler

Cancel „When revealed“ effects with Halfling Bounder and a sidequest in the victory display (and maybe with Dunedain Lookout if you exchange Wandering Took with the cards from the sideboard)

Reduce thread with Double Back, Elrond's Counsel and Galadriel's Handmaiden (and kind of with Wandering Took)

Draw cards with Long Lake Fisherman and Gléowine (for yourself or another player with the latter)

Sentinel defending with Derndingle Warrior and ranged attacks with Mithlond Sea-watcher for the combat phase

Heal with Warden of Healing and Elrond‘s response

Raise an enemy‘s engagement cost with Robin Smallburrow and Mablung

Shuffle the discard pile of any player into his deck with Will of the West

Return a card that you need most (e.g. Will of the West) from your discard pile to your hand with Dwarven Tomb

Supply another player with an emergency chump-blocker or attacker with Wandering Took or Ceorl

Improve the stats of an ally with Wild Stallion (e.g. create a ranged 4-attack character with Wild Stallion and Mithlond Sea-watcher or make Warden of Healing a less squishy healer by attaching the mount to him)

Remove condition attachments from treacheries with Miner of the Iron Hills (if you exchange Wandering Took with the cards of your sideboard)



Apr 20, 2020 doomguard 2006

i would add at least 1 harp to save test of will. furthermore for the tooks i would add imladris stargazer, makes vilya and zigil even better.

Apr 20, 2020 TheMisFitMan 347

@doomguard Thanks for your advice. Vilya is kind of a „win more“ card in this deck. But Stargazers would be a very good replacement for the Tooks when playing solo! Test of will and Silver Harp aren’t included because Halfling Bounder does the job of cancelling as well (only needs one of the two sidequests finished).