(Hero) Gwaihir & (Ally) Radagast

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Card draw simulator
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In Play
Discard Pile

ellipticaltable 204

Having discovered that (Ally) Radagast is actually good, the obvious next step is Gwaihir. The result is a solid deck that is a lot of fun to play.

Full disclosure: This is not a top-tier powerhouse deck, but I'd say that it's comfortably second tier. It also slots in well with many fellowships, since the Steward is the only unique card that is likely to conflict with your partners' decks. Swap in Support of the Eagles, and Gwaihir can repeatedly stop a dragon.

Piloting the deck is fairly straightforward, although there are typically enough decisions to make that every turn is fun. Mulligan for Radagast or Steward of Gondor. Don't be afraid to pay full cost for Gandalf to draw cards, especially if your hand is starting to stall.

Other than that, just have fun. And try not to smile too much when an Eagle of the North shows up at the perfect moment.