Outland swarming for you

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Palantir Record Keeper 17

This is a really fun swarm Outland deck that I play with quite a while. The main purpose of this deck is to get to the game as many Outland allies as possible. If you achieve of getting all the outlands on board you will have a powerful "gun" with which you can defeat most quests. Let's start analyzing the deck.

I tried to make this deck as rounded as possible. Despite its 57 card capacity, finding the card you want won't be much of a problem. I included a lot of card-drawing cards such as Beravor, Daeron's Runes, Drinking Song, Peace, and Thought, Prepare for Battle, Heed the Dream, Gather Information, Hidden Cache, A Very Good Tale even Gandalf and Elrond can help with the card draw! I hope I convinced you that card draw won't be a problem. On the contrary, in most of my games I end up drawing my whole deck and playing all the cards in my hand.

Now that we made sure we have all the cards we want in our hands, its time to swarm to play the cheap but yet really powerful Outland allies. First of all we need some resources. Thankfully, I included some resource acceleration cards, such as Steward of Gondor, Hidden Cache and Wealth of Gondor. On top of that, when Hirluin the Fair gets Steward of Gondor and gains the Gondor trait (or if you attach him In Service of the Steward) you can give him a resource every round from Denethor's resource pool. In that way you can play multiple allies each round and buff your Outland characters.

Some quests, damage your characters via effects, in order to keep alive your low HP allies (especially in early game) I included some healers who can definitely help. Warden of Healing, Ioreth and Elrond are the primary healers for this deck, and for a safety valve, I included a copy of The Houses of Healing which can return a defeated Hero from the discard pile (to have more lore resources or even return Beravor from the discard pile, I highly recommend to attach Song of Wisdom on any hero it fits you each time).

Last but not least, you might need a strong defender early in the game so for that purpose i like to use Denethor and his DĂșnedain Warnings to get him up to +3 for a total of 6 .

When you ultimately build up your board, your Outland characters with printed stats of 1 will have 4 (, , , ) and the allies who have 0 printed stats will end up with 3 (, , , ). Bringing Forlong to this board state is overkill but actually is really fun to play.

The only drawback I have witnessed during my games is the early . All the heroes have a total of 4 combined and most of the times you won't commit them all to the quest. You probably will need a defender (Denethor) and maybe some card draw from Beravor. When you start bringing out Ethir Swordsman you'll be fine. With this deck you can withstand some threat from questing unsuccesfully during the quest phase but you have to always watch out for overthreating. Starting with 26 threat is nice but it can rise very quickly in no time.

I hope you'll enjoy this deck, and I'm really looking forward for your feedback down to the comment section.