3 Aragorns Walk Into a Bar…

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SubwayTolkien 125

Have you ever played LoTR LCG and thought, “Wow, I can’t decide which version of Aragorn to use.” Worry no longer friends because introducing a deck that uses ALL versions of Aragorn so you you don’t have to choose.

Obviously Théoden and Círdan the Shipwright are proxies for Aragorn and Aragorn, respectively.

Of course, this is deck is laughably illegal…but it’s just so fun. Get Leadergorn loaded up as your defender starting with the The One Ring and Inner Strength. Then you have Tactigorn who, when at full strength, can swing for 9 (10 if you include his passive ability). Last, but not least, Sporagorn is your primary quester who at full strength (and contract flipped) is questing for 10, putting 2 progress on the active location AND using his ability once every round.

Now, fun as it is, there are definitely problems with this deck, chief of which are card draw and threat. Setting up card draw up takes time and that leads to slower starts in my experience. And that’s not great when your starting out 9 threat away from losing! You ideally want Thorongil or Ring of Barahir AND either Glamdring or Stone of Elostirion so you can get that going ASAP.

Next priorities are Steward of Gondor and Celebrían's Stone which ideally go on Leadergorn and then the deck starts REALLY kicking. Once the contract is flipped and you have readying attachments like Unexpected Courage, Armored Destrier, and Steed of the North, it picks up like a freight train. Just make sure to use all of that threat reduction ASAP, because 3+ Aragorns with the One Ring are more than a little conspicuous for the Great Eye ;)


Aug 02, 2021 doomguard 2006

its fun i have made a fellowship of 4 aragorns as grey wanderer each: ringsdb.com

Aug 02, 2021 SubwayTolkien 125

That looks amazing lol. That would be a blast in multiplayer, not to mention functional.