Power Too Great And Terrible

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Three Wise Men 3 2 2 3.0
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ohuerc 449

"With that power I should have power too great and terrible. And over me the Ring would gain a power still greater and more deadly." - Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

We knew this had to happen: Gandalf gets The One Ring. I just had to try it. I held off publishing until the full cycle was available, and then I held off longer to test some variations. It ended up being quite some time, because I've been playing less frequently, but now I think I can safely call this the final list.

This is a more fluid deck than Three Wise Men, relying on events much more than permanents. It also starts with 2 cards already pulled out of the deck; and for both those reasons, it cycles slightly faster. I usually search at setup for The Master Ring, to prevent a really awful start, but for some quests Inner Strength right from the start is better. (But don't search for Power of Command, because it's best played off the top of the deck!)

Elrond is no longer the preferred blocker - in fact, hardly blocks at all - instead using Gandalf and Giant Bear for preference, with Beorn in a pinch. The tricky part has been including enough Events that can be played at any time. The other tricky part is that threat really is an issue now. The old Wise Men deck ran high, but would get back in control with time to spare. Now with Master events and lower threat elimination, the danger is very real. On the flipside, with so many more zero-cost events, Zigil Miners have become a bit more efficient.

Things to Consider:

  • Beorning Skin-changer helps smooth out the Vilya pipeline, or can be used to recycle Beorn and Giant Bear quickly. I tried without for a bit, but it's been notably useful after I put it back in.
  • Obviously, Shadowfax for multiplayer games, but I still find this is most fun as a solo deck.
  • In a quest with zero Condition attachments, Bulwark of the West could be swapped with just about any sideboard card, for great success.
  • Eleanor in the sideboard for certain Saga quests.

Other Things I Tried:

  • I tried 1x Hobbit Pipe briefly, but was unimpressed. I've added GlĂ©owine back in instead.
  • I also tried 1x Island Amid Perils for extra threat reduction, but it's a dead card far too often.
  • The Gathering Storm was supposedly another way to make money early. I never found it early enough, and on further reflection I don't like it.
  • I have often run with 2x Will of the West, but replacing one with a Dwarven Tomb gives a lot more flexibility for threat and/or A Test of Will. It's fun to play twice, but by the time I reach the second I've already won anyway.

Cuts From Three Wise Men:


Jan 12, 2022 doomguard 2020

with a bid adjustments you could make these powerfull men also wise:

Council of the Wise

yes only 1 vilya,but you can add Word of Command and Drinking Song and if its not enough an Deep Knowledge

Jan 17, 2022 ohuerc 449

I have tried that... it turns out that in this deck, running with only 1x Vilya is not too bad as you say, but only 1x Zigil Miner is REALLY hard. It loses a ton of momentum, even with the extra resources from Council of the Wise.

Feb 11, 2023 kaisunrathan 1

Can you explain We Are Not Idle in this deck?

Feb 12, 2023 doomguard 2020

i can answer for him, it thins out the deck. played with Gandalf from the top it results in +1 card (0 dwarfs but 1 card drawn)