Maxing APM Harad (Solo and Multiplayer viable)

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Zura 297

There's not much to say here other than it's a incredibly consistent harad machine. It doesn't shy away from all the everpresent obnoxious cards like Steward of Gondor; Daeron's Runes; Elrond's Counsel which does make this deck feel a little bit unfresh but other than that it's a great way to make harad shine.

On turn 1 we aim to either get steward into play or set it up for the next turn and hopefully draw as many cards as possible to get into our lategame status asap.

Starting from turn 2, we start pumping out harad allies, the priority is Jubayr and Firyal is close second. After we set up Light of Valinor; [Narya](/card/11015, Jubayr and either Kahliel's Tribesman or Wild Stallion combat usually gets pretty light due to ability to block 2 attacks on 5 defense without shadow cards. If you ocassionally need more defense than that, other copies of Kahliel's Tribesman or Ever Vigilant have you covered.

You don't need to run 3 copies of the unique allies. The draw is good enough to get you to them quickly enough without it and i'd rather run 3 extra events, which are this deck's main feature. With so much cycling we can constantly churn out events to either get more economy or to just squeeze a lot of value really fast. The only unique card i'm running 3-off (gandalf doesn't count) is steward and it's pretty obvious why it's this way.

Remember that in a pinch one of your biggest players is Kahliel's Tribesman. It doesn't sound like much but you can always emergency ready them using discard (fuel discarding with Kahliel's Headdress) for +1 in a relevant stat check. Combined with narya and Ever Vigilant, when you need it, you can quickly add a lot of points into a stat you need for any reason (mostly defense or getting through a certain willpower treshold)

Will of the West is not necessary and can be substituted for a single A Test of Will but i'd rather play it for the long games, sometimes they happen and it can turn them around . Especially considering how easy this deck eats through all 50 cards.