Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim Solo Progression

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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Copterman 1045

DECK NAME - Curious Bear


OVERVIEW - The Riddle mechanic forces you to build your deck in a very specific way in order to win the quest. When discarding blindly from the top of your deck, you want to have favorable odds that what you discard is a match in terms of these priorities: 1) sphere 2) type 3) cost. has a good many 2-cost allies so a mono-spirit deck would make sense. Only issue is sometime you get in trouble with combat and becoming overrun with goblins. Enter the curious bear - Beorn (he likes riddles). He's perfect for one-shotting the goblin enemies in this encounter deck. Add in a ready Glorfindel (Light of Valinor) and combat shouldn't be an issue.


  • Beorn - no attachments obviously; he exists to defend and kill; use his resources to pay for any Resourcefuls you happen to draw into your hand and attach to either Frodo or Glorfindel
  • Frodo - typically will quest; it's wise to use his ability to take undefended attacks to keep Beorn's damage from creeping up (this is why he's included instead of Éowyn); I initially included Good Meal and The Galadhrim's Greeting but truth is you don't need threat reduction in this quest as you'll win in a few quick rounds
  • Glorfindel - attach Light of Valinor; use Arwen Undómiel boost here since he will presumably be ready for combat due to LoV; can help shield Beorn a bit that way


  • SETUP - mulligan for Light of Valinor and/or a well-rounded hand
  • RIDDLES - generally you'll want to just guess 2-cost allies but 1-cost attachments/events can also work; keep in mind that you have to name the types BEFORE shuffling and discarding from your deck so you can't use Imladris Stargazer to your advantage; she can, however, be helpful in case you don't discard what you named and then you decide to use Bilbo's action (just exhaust her and arrange top 5 before using his action)
  • Imladris Stargazer - use her action before refresh phase to decide which card you want to draw next round
  • Resourceful - something to spend Beorn's resources on
  • Ride to Ruin - this is included to keep from getting location locked if 2 or all 3 copies of The Goblin Caves come into play
  • NOTE: you won't get to the bottom of your deck with this deck so no need for Will of the West
  • NOTE: make sure you understand the rule on riddles: you can choose to reveal and add the card to staging OR trigger the riddle; don't have to do both