Lothiriel's Family (Core + Gondor and Rohan Starters)

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frobp 148

This is a pretty solid deck that can be built out of a Revised Core set and the Gondor and Rohan Starter decks. Lothíriel is quite a spectacular hero on her own, but she is also perfectly designed to improve the abilities of both (her father) Prince Imrahil and (her husband) Éomer.

On the first turn, without spending any resources or playing any cards, you can

This all only gets better once you get

We also have Sneak Attack+Gandalf, because in this deck the best combo in the game is even better as it guarantees that an ally will leave play at the end of the phase.

Note: I included some extras in the sideboard in case this deck is being built with a larger card pool. The Honour Guard is particularly nice because this deck doesn't have any healing.