con of the rings pipe deck

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Pipe down you Hobbits! with new Pipe & event 0 0 0 2.0
Inspiration for
Brodo Swaggins is here to steal your threat away! 10 7 0 4.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Splice 481

Splice has a newer deck inspired by this one: Brodo Swaggins is here to steal your threat away!

This deck is all about taking all the threat gained by everyone during the game and reducing it to nothing. The engine relies on getting the pipes (mulligan for pipes/Bilbo!!) on all the hobbits, and love of tales for some resource acceleration. Then each turn you can play a threat reduction to draw 3 cards and once you get Song of EƤrendil out you can start taking everyones threat for them.

Merry is the ideal person to stack the extra songs on to get a big benefit from Fireside Song. Friend of Friends should go on Frodo and Merry. 2 of the fast hitches should go on Merry so you can Quest, use his ability, and then attack for 2 (from Friend of Friends bonus). Frodo gets the other fast hitch to be able to quest then block/attack.

You can take 2 attacks with Frodo blocking for 4 (friend of Friends + Arwen) and then 1 undefended and raise your threat with his ability. You can kill small enemies with Sam, Merry, and the Gaffer/Pippin if needed.

Ideally this deck is played with other than can help with the enemies with big defense since you can't muster a bunch of attack power in a single turn. This deck is also weak against quests that do a bunch of Archery or has treacheries that do damage across the board.

Overall I had low expectations when I first played this deck but then engine got rolling and it was an absolute blast! I was sucking up my entire 4p games threat from all card including doomed and would still end the game in secrecy.

Have a blast and let me know what you think!