Gondor Solo Deck

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Jesters_Race 79

Jesters_Race has a newer deck inspired by this one: Gondor Solo Deck

This is my first real attempt at deck building in this game so far, but I feel I have arrived at something that performs pretty well for a general solo deck.

My goal was to build something to take to the Angmar Awakens campaign (although I have no idea how it plays out and i did get side tracked playing through the Mirkwood quests) I decided to build something with a Gondor theme. And then test it against the core quests and the shadows of Mirkwood pack.

The one thing that the deck lacks early on is , but after playing many games with it and arriving at the final deck, this is only a temporary issue. There is a good engine to build in this deck and once it gets going it’s great. There are a couple of paths to seeing this happen, through and . In the side, the attachment Visionary Leadership is great because of all the Gondor allies. Placing this on Boromir make sense since you are trying to keep a resource in his pool to get his ability active. Then Faramir provides even more boot and Angbor the Fearless is amazing once hits 40, with these other cards in play he is questing for 4 without exhausting and ready to attack for 4 in the same round.

The path to building comes from getting Ranger Spikes into staging and then getting Emyn Arnen Ranger allies into play. This combo is then further boosted by Visionary Leadership and Faramir, I had these 3 allies providing me 15 in one game. I found most games I can get one of these paths going and a couple of times I have had both paths in action seeing massive being generated.

The deck is also great at dealing with enemies, with some good defenders, attachments and boosts. Card draw has not been an issue, with Foe-hammer hitting every game. Valiant Sacrifice, Squire of the Citadel and Horn of Gondor has also been a nice little combo.

I did go through a couple revisions, but the deck is pretty close to how I started out, though I did end up putting in 3 copies of Gandalf and made a 53-card deck (I thought this wouldn’t be an issue with 3 copies of Daeron's Runes. Gandalf is in there for emergencies, mainly for reduction late in the game as I try and stay below 50 and above 40. I didnt worry about Sneak Attack as ends up with plenty of resources from mid to late game.

I have taken it up against Passage Through Mirkwood , Journey along the Anduin, The Oath and The caves of Nibin-Dum all multiple times. I have had a few losses but have been successful more often than not. If I lose its always in the early game when this deck is at its weakest trying to build willpower and not getting overwhelmed with . A good start has also seen some key attachments come out early. (For Anduin, that Gondorian Shield is a must)