Galadriel & Radagast Play Gandalf Every Turn

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Dori helps play Gandalf every turn
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

dalestephenson 1741

What's even better than playing Gandalf every turn? Playing him every turn with Galadriel as one of your heroes. With Galdriel, allies don't exhaust to quest on their entry turn, so Core Gandalf is exactly like OHUH Gandalf, except for him lowering your threat (or giving cards, or nuking an enemy) every turn instead of raising your threat.

The components of playing Gandalf are the same as usual. Elf-friend to put on Gandalf. The Elvenking (or a Silvan event) to get him out of play before he goes away again. Bard son of Brand at the table (in the other deck, in this case). And six resources per turn. The other deck is supposed to draw into Steward of Gondor to provide two of the extra resources, and has some options to provide the sixth. This deck also has its own Magic Ring and two copies of Resourceful -- that's generally not a great resource generator at full price, but when it lets you play Gandalf every turn, it is totally worth it.

Finding all the components takes time, but you've got some options here. Galadriel has her card draw Radagast can also get extra card draw with the Wizard Pipe/Messenger Raven combo, besides being able to quest for free (and play Raven for free if he has his staff), and Word of Command can also be used by Radagast to find any card in the deck. If you've got Mirror of Galadriel finding cards is easy, and if you can get the Silver Harp to go with it, keeping your card is also guaranteed.

So despite starting with only three resources per turn, this fellowship can get its combo pieces in play faster than an ordinary deck. Of course, with also the search support there's isn't a ton of room for actual silvan allies, so the top end power of the Dale deck partner is better when fully set up -- but the Gandalf deck is, of course, more awesome.

Since finding can be less of a problem than paying, we generally mulliganed for Nenya in quests that wanted good questing out of the gate. Eventually Celeborn will be a constant quester, we dropped Light of Valinor from this deck because Celeborn needs to be exhausted in order to use The Elvenking. Nenya also makes it easier to play Elrond and get him back with the help of Elf-friend -- Silvan events don't work on him without it.