Spring Out of Holes in the Ground

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The Iron Hills Burst Forth
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D4rkWolf10 493

The counterpart deck to my offensive Blue Mountain Mining deck. This deck is a pretty self explanatory and classic take on a Dwarven swarm deck, and so far in testing has proved extremely efficient and easy to get going.

Most of your Dwarves are pretty cheap and easy to play, the sooner to fuel the abilities of Thorin Oakenshield and Ori. Your questing is of course absurd once you have the right amount of allies, and combat becomes doable as well if needed.

While not as random or (in my opinion) fun as running the counterpart mining deck, this one is extremely reliable and gets the job done for you. Please let me know if you use the two decks and enjoy them or suggest improvements in the comments below. Thanks!


Jul 08, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2415

These are great decks! I would suggest another hammersmith in place of a map-maker. They're cheaper and can help get more use out of cram. Other than that, amazing!

Jul 08, 2017 D4rkWolf10 493

@WandalftheGizzard thank you I'm glad you like them! In regards to Erebor Hammersmith, there are only two because I built these decks with all adventure packs and expansions, but only one core set. If you one more than one core set, a third copy will definitely take you a bit farther! As the decks stand now they do pretty well for themselves, and have handled some hard quests, including The Morgul Vale. If you use them, please let me know what your experiences are! :)