The (Eowyn) Deck you want your Friend to Play

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Seastan 42350

A new and updated version of The Deck you want your Friend to Play, now with Éowyn!

A common problem with the original version was the popularity of Arwen Undómiel.

The sphere balance has been tweaked a bit here to reflect the loss of Arwen's resource generation. One of the most notable changes is the inclusion of Envoy of Pelargir. In the original deck it was common to build up a pile of resources on Beregond because many of the tactics cards were free. You can now use the Envoys as a means to transfer those resources to Eowyn.

Deep Knowledge is now a 3x because given that this is a multiplayer deck, you really want to see such a powerful card early on. If someone is playing Secrecy, you can swap in Ancient Mathom instead. I've also dropped some of the not-so-important attachments such as Raven-winged Helm and Rivendell Bow to 1x given that you can fish them out with Master of the Forge if you really need them.


Dec 15, 2017 ff0x 527

My solution for the resource problem on Beregond to play Gandalf to get a good use out of the extra resources. But I like the Envoy of Pelargir a lot. A card I found quite useful to speed up the deck was Proud Hunters since resources were always a little tight.

Dec 15, 2017 ff0x 527

One question: Why Hasty Stroke over Sterner than Steel? Is the resource worth the loss of the restrictions?

Dec 15, 2017 Seastan 42350

All good suggestions @ff0x!

I like Hasty Stroke here because once Beregond has his shield he becomes safe from the majority of shadow effects, and Hasty Stroke has the advantage that it can cancel a shadow effect anywhere on the board. Since this deck is holding on to a spirit resource anyway for A Test of Will, it's not too troublesome to pay for it I find. But another option worth considering if you're short on is Tides of Fate.

That said, I still think Sterner than Steel is a fine choice since Beregond will be doing the majority of the defending.

Dec 20, 2017 死锁 283

A good Deck you want your Friend to Play,But I think actually will be a deck I play for my friends ^_^.

I have two small questions,first one is Cards of your deck up to The Dread Realm.Is it mean you think those new card is not necessary,or just because of other reasons?The second one is why do you think Spear of the Citadel is more important than Raven-winged Helm,because I see you use 2x Spear but 1x Helm.I have face the same question but make a opposite choice because I think Beregond should be a perfect defender first rather than a defender can beat back,what's more helm is more useful for any other heros.

Dec 20, 2017 Seastan 42350

@死锁No reasons for the card pool usage, that's just how it turned out. A very recent card that would be good here is Open the Armory.

The most important attachment for Beregon is of course the Gondorian Shield. Once he has this I find the Raven-winged Helm is often left unused. It's a nice card to draw into for stuff like archery damage but not that crucial, so it's a 1x. The spear on the other hand is super useful. If Haldir can't quite kill an enemy before it attacks someone, the spear can be used to finish it off.

Jan 03, 2018 tyndall 33

I really like this deck. So would not it be better to play 3 "Heed the Dream" instead of 3 "Deep Knowledge" ? playing doomed card that seems a little risky.

Jan 03, 2018 tyndall 33

Sorry, I Iwanted to say if we play it solo and not in multi like you said