Look Behind You

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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

TalesftCards 7007

This is my attempt to build a solo trap deck that can survive against a decent variety of scenarios (with the caveat that there are some scenarios that just don't allow trap decks to function). The core of the deck is not too surprising, using a variety of traps and Damrod as the cost reducer/draw engine. I experimented with different configurations of traps, but beyond the all-important Ranger Spikes and Forest Snare, I settled on Ithilien Pit over Entangling Nets, because I found myself wanting to wear away enemies in the staging area while keeping them away, and Poisoned Stakes over Ambush, because I needed extra damage potential and this deck doesn't always have the available attack strength to make use of the preemptive attack.

Beyond Damrod and traps, the interesting wrinkle I found here was including Fastred. Fastred's inclusion serves a few purposes:

  • You can bounce enemies back simply for the threat reduction. This deck has enough questing power (and traps) to overcome enemies in the staging area.
  • You can play a trap and then bounce an engaged enemy back into it (as long as no other enemy is revealed, but scrying should help you plan for that). This is especially useful for enemies that bypass the staging area.
  • In terms of threat reduction, I found it especially useful to have a lower attack enemy trapped in Ranger Spikes. Then, you can pull the enemy down when you want to reduce your threat, defend and bounce it back with Fastred. It is now still stuck in Spikes so you can leave it in the staging area or continue to engage and bounce as needed for threat reduction purposes.

The rest of the deck is designed mostly to build up questing power. I've also included the Outrider and Rider of Rohan for some extra attack. This deck makes use of 3 side quests to facilitate the Rider of Rohan and to help pump up the Legacy Blades (as well as benefit from the side quest effects themselves). I chose Cirdan as the hero mostly for his 4 willpower and card draw and found Narya to be a bit of an extravagance in this particular deck. The extra card draw helps to ensure that the deck doesn't stall out, which can sometimes be a problem with trap decks, even with Damrod's draw. Finally, I really wanted to include Lore Anborn but it just didn't work with the cost curve of the deck.

That's about it. Enjoy!


Feb 03, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2428

Who are you putting the Legacy Blades on? Damrod?

Feb 04, 2018 TalesftCards 7007

@Wandalf the GizzardYep, they are meant to go on Damrod mainly, since Cirdan will usually always be questing and Fastred will focus more on defense.