Deck Tech: Power in the Earth

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chrsjxn 4905

Hey everyone,

Chris here with a brand new deck that wants to play a lot of location attachments, thanks to the spoiled hero from Roam Across Rhovanion!

And I am definitely, 100% not joking, going to actually play Power in the Earth. I've never actually done this before, or even seen someone else do this before, but there's always a first time for everything!


As this is a deck built around location attachments, you shouldn't be surprised to find a bunch of them in here. Ancient Mathom, Ranger Provisions, and Elf-stone all give you a ton of benefits for clearing out locations.

And they generally combine quite nicely. You can put an Ancient Mathom and an Elf-stone on the active location. And then when you explore that location, you can choose to draw the three cards before deciding which ally you want to put into play.

Elf-stone helps you get expensive allies out onto the board, as does Ranger Provisions. And I'm sure we can come up with a few other decent examples of synergies.

And in order to ensure we've got the option to play these attachments many times, there's a 6 slot investment into recursion for them. Erebor Hammersmith is an ally with solid stats that will get us our top attachment back. Second Breakfast works the same way, except it's a fat hobbit event instead of an awesome dwarf ally. And Galadhrim Weaver is more subtle, since she can recur any card. But it gets shuffled back into the deck, so it should generally be a card that will draw more cards.

Caring so much about attachments also really rewards having a bit of location control. Asfaloth is that card for this deck, and it's great. Being able to play Ancient Mathom or Ranger Provisions during the planning phase and then exploring that location thanks to Asfaloth means that you have more options during that planning phase.

Video Thoughts

I had some fun with this one. Drowned Ruins forces you to deal with a lot of locations, which is pretty perfect for a deck like this. And you get Sahir and Na'asiyah to help you out with questing and fighting if you have extra resources.

I did say Na'asiyah way too many different ways, but I didn't accidentally play any attachments or allies while I was underwater! So we're going to take that small victory.

And Power in the Earth actually did some work. Which I knew it would, even taking some sub-optimal decisions to make it happen.

I think if I were going to make any changes to this deck, I'd probably look for a few cuts so I could slot in Master of the Forge. There are a lot of attachments in the deck, and helping to power them out sooner would be great. Erestor is also probably a decent add, so you can filter through some duplicates of the unique cards.

Absolutely no idea what I would cut for those additions, though.

Thanks for watching!

Power in the Earth