The Prancing Pony

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Ipswatch 509

Behold The Prancing Pony! This decks is about singing and smoking - not necessarily in that order.

Song's and Pipes as a whole tend to get overlooked. As a lover of Tolkein's songs, this seemed like a deck that is a bit overdue. This deck is fairly straightforward, with a few things to keep in mind.

Resource Generation: Love of Tales is an important card to find in the deck as it is one of the main sources of Resource Generation alongside Gandalf's Staff.

Questing: This deck is decent when it comes to questing. Frodo should be the main receiver of song cards, as Fireside Song gives him an enormous boost to his questing once a good handful of songs have been dropped on him. The goal should be for him to increase his questing by one each round until some allies show up to assist him.

Combat: Luckily, a Tavern based deck is always ready for a good brawl. You may notice that this deck uses pipes to reduce threat through Smoke Rings and Aragorn. This is because of the main way this deck can take a heavy blow. Frodo Baggins is the ultimate meat shield here, and is expected to act as the punching bag of this deck until it gets rolling with some stronger, more expensive defenders.

Songs: This deck is also aiming to get lots of songs our so that Burst into Song can be used to ready key characters in a pinch. Song of Kings should be added to Aragorn as quickly as possible, but is by no means necessary for the deck to succeed as Gandalf can smoke his way into the few Leadership cards in the deck.

Summary: If you love smoking and singing, this deck is for you. I haven't experimented with it that much yet to determine what else it needs to do better, but this first iteration definitely captures the theme i'm going for. There are some problems that can arise, but when it gets rolling, it's a rip roaring good time!


Jun 26, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2454

You might want to add some way of readying Frodo to use his massive willpower and defend. Also, since you have Song of Wisdom, Burning Brand might be a good choice so Gandalf's Staff can concentrate on other things.

Jun 26, 2018 Ipswatch 509

Definitely a good idea to add burning brand. I wasn't too concerned with Frodo, unless threat become an issue, because his power doesn't exhaust him to use it.