Dale’s Counselor - Galadriel

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Dale’s Counselor - Galadriel 2 1 5 2.0
Card draw simulator
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Igloo 85

Igloo has a newer deck inspired by this one: Dale’s Counselor - Galadriel

My shot at a Dale deck and it is taking me through the most current set of quests well. In this iteration, I am using Galadriel as my third hero for the card draw and access to the Mirror of Galadriel. Silver harp is the second part of the combo to retain cards in your hand.

Usually, you will mulligan for King of Dale, unless you get a mirror and a harp.

I will put the King of Dale and Silver Harp on Bard, to get at least two attachments on him. Mirror and Nenya, if you get it, will go on Galadriel. After that, as long as there is a third attachment on Bard and one enchantment on Brand, you should be good to go. If the Necklace of Girion gets out, Bard should be the the hero to where it. I will tend to start with Brand as an attacker, but will shift him to a quester as the game progresses.

For the allies, the first thought should be to just get the attachments out to draw cards. Once you can get Long Lake Traders out you can start to distribute and optimize item placement.

Hauberk goes on Redwater Sentry Map of Rhovanion goes on Rhovanion Outrider Bow of Yew goes on Warrior of Dale Spare hood and Cloak tend to start on North Realm Lookout Rainment of War tends to be quest dependent. If defense is needed, place on Redwater Sentry. If more attacking is needed, Warrrior of Dale or even Brand.

Let me know what you think!


Jul 16, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2414

You know, most of the time you could just put the attachments on whomever if they're not too important for the willpower and card draw, and move them to their proper places with the Long Lake Trader later.

Jul 16, 2018 Igloo 85

Agreed, I tried to state that above. I was also trying to show where I thought the final resting place for the attachments were. They don’t always get there, but it is what I shoot for.