Thror's Key Goes South

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Key-Ring Goes South Nightmare mode
Derived from
Haldir Shot First 4 3 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

The Purple Wizard 1157

This deck is meant to be paired with TheChap's "Ring Goes Nightmare" deck in our Nightmare Campaign.

The main goal here is to use Thrór's Key on EVERY location we travel to in this quest, thus neutering the dangers that damage on each location can do to us. To do this we'll need Thrór's Key, Mariner's Compass, a leadership or scout character, and as many copies of Reforged as we can get. This is a complex trick to pull off but can make this quest a whole lot easier to navigate. Here's how it works:

A: Find Thrór's Key and buy it, attaching it to a hero.

B: When the next location is added to the staging area, attach Thror's Key to it. Then travel to that location next chance you have to travel.

C: Buy Mariner's Compass (in Chad's deck in our fellowship) and attach it to an eligible character. Make sure to keep that character ready.

D: Once you clear the active location that has Thror's Key attached, play Reforged before the quest phase ends and attach Thror's Key to a hero again.

E: At the start of the travel phase, exhaust Mariner's Compass and the character it is attached to to choose a location in the staging area and switch it with a location from the top five cards of the encounter deck. Attach Thror's Key to this new location that has just been added to the staging area.

F: Travel to the location with Thror's Key attached.

There are definitely some things that can go wrong here. There might not be a location in the top five of the deck and thus the compass whiffs, or more likely you might not be able to find all the pieces you need to make this work, especially all the copies of Reforged you need to play round after round. It's too big of a card combo to pull of reliably in solo play, but it's also less necessary there. In a fellowship that is actively trying to do this it is quite possible, as you'll see from our playthrough.

This combo should also be possible with most other quests that have nasty locations that aren't immune to player card effects.

As for the rest of the deck, it is mostly filled with card draw (to find all the pieces) and some essentials for a Haldir sniping deck. I was concerned about attacks being made from the staging area so until Dain Ironfoot (from Chad's deck) gets sentinel and extra actions I've got some allies I can chump with. North Realm Lookout and Forest Road Traveler both can carry Mariner's Compass. Dwarven Tomb can recur Reforged.

Noticably, there are no copies of Nenya or A Test of Will here. I knew I wanted to use Galadriel's main action every round and I didn't think we'd need the willpower, and I just wasn't that concerned about any of the treacheries. I probably should have packed another copy of The Galadhrim's Greeting though...