Eagle Starter Deck

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Win - The Massing at Osgiliath - 2 Players - 2023-04-28
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kattattack22 791

My attempt at an Eagles starter deck. It tries to not use any cards from repackaged cycles and minimizes using any Core Set cards. Secret Vigil and Honour Guard in the sideboard would be the only reprints from the current repackaged cycles. Meneldor and Gwaihir's Debt are from Ered Mithren. Still it provides a lot of cards not in the revised card pool. The sideboard doesn't give many alternative options like the FFG starter decks, but does help round out useful cards not available in the revised card pool.

It is a bit weak in card draw and threat reduction. There are plenty of options in the revised card pool though that can improve it in those regards like Favor of the Valar. Sneak Attack is in the sideboard to get more threat reduction opportunities from Gandalf.


Apr 29, 2023 Fluffy1 29

I was thinking this was what FFG needed but had no idea beyond Gwaihir!

Apr 29, 2023 Birdman137 111

My only question is why include 1 copy of To the Eyrie?

Apr 29, 2023 kattattack22 791

@Fluffy1 I keep hoping they will make one when Ered Mithren comes out. Otherwise Flight of the Eagles and Radagast won't be very good.

@Birdman137 mostly because I'm used to Magic theme decks having cards that fit into a deck even if they're subpar. It's expensive for what it does, but getting to keep an Eagle ally that would otherwise be discarded might be worth it from time to time.

Apr 29, 2023 Fluffy1 29

@kattattack22 To the Eyrie isn't just subpar, its horrible. Eagles of the Misty Mountains should be absorbing your dead eagles? Ally Gwaihir can bring them back and is just as thematic, and then you can use hero Beorn.